Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Show it to the world! You can groove with only 4 strings (if you wish). Let them know you’re not a treble maker!

No, I’m not participating in their affiliate program, I don’t even know if they have one. Just thought of getting a tee from their site myself and decided to share you.

Don’t expect haute couture but check it out yourself to see if the claim on their website is true: 
“Your #1 "On-Line" Source for Bass Apparel”




Btw, please feel free to click on the links provided by and Google Ads. The quality is really good. Most of the content or offers are relevant to bass players and it helps me to pay a few bills related to this blog. Thanks.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Headless Bantam

Almost forgot that I used to play a Washburn Headless Bantam (because I could not afford an original L-Series Steinberger). It was easy and fun to play but not playable without a strap. Too tiny to rest on your lap. I loved this bass but I sold it for a beer or two, I think.
  Rob The Mob on a Washburn Bantam Headless 
Rob The Mob on a Washburn Bantam Headless and Alex Haas

 Me and the amazing Alex Haas.

The sound was crisp with a bunch of nice highs. The thin low end though, always forced me to fumble with the EQ of my Trace Elliott. I still have this one, in storage unfort…

Trace Elliot 1210H-SMX 300 watt bass combo

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fender Jazz Bass turns 50!

Congratulations! The Fender Jazz Bass turns 50 in 2010. Details and very interesting facts about the ‘J-Bass’ can be read here:

image The Jazz Bass® Guitar: A History and Appreciation

Scroll down to see my baby or click here, if you don’t see the posting on this page.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Female Bass Players

It’s time to introduce a new category to my blog: Female Bass Players.
To start off:

The first time I heard about Lydia Kaboesj (I guess that’s her surname) was when she got the endorsement with Fender end of 2008.

You will have to watch her on YouTube as she has disabled embedding, but respective videos will take you there directly.



She is for sure a traditional funker. Style, lics, sound.


But she grooves, can sing and looks great.


Check her out her YouTube channel or on MySpace. (both very ugly!)

Closing with her own words: “Have fun(k)”

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