In my case:
The subject matter expert: I would rather say that I'm still in "learning mode". Since 30 years! So maybe not an expert but for sure a lot of experience.
Others will care: Not being native English speaking makes it a little bit more difficult. Some posts I make may be unintentionally funny (and I won't even notice) others will be simply wrong (although absolute correct in my mind). Bear with me.
There are people, musicians, mainly in Europe that are interested it the music scene here in Singapore. And there are people, musicians, in Singapore interested on how I, vicarious for others, perceive the local music space.
Passionate: This one is easy. Playing bass, writing, composing and arranging music, performing live and in recording studios, jammin' sessions and checking out music stores is a basic need to me. Full stop. The only thing that comes close to this level of passion is my love for a good espresso!
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