Thursday, February 18, 2010

Carbon-14 Dating

I must admit that determining the precise production date and location of my beloved Fender Jazz Bass was not as complicated and expensive as a paleontological carbon-14 dating process.

Non the less, it took me 26 years, 1 month and 9 days to finally reveal the accurate age of one of my favourite instruments. And, I must be frank, it’s not that I needed more than the two and a half decades to discover how to determine the age of the bass. I knew it all the time! But never bothered…

According to the serial number and Fender’s database the production date of my J-Bass was between 1982 – 1987. Made in USA.


Fender Head with Serial (1 of 1)

But today, I had the strong urge to unscrew the neck and search for the ultimate answer!

Fender Body and Neck (1 of 1)


  No more guessing:


Fender Neck with Date (1 of 1)

(I bought it 1984, I think June or July,
before going on tour with the band)

And then I discovered this signature. Is this the person who assembled my beauty over 26 years ago?


Fender Neck with Name (1 of 1)
Mr I. Torres I would like to shake your hand.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure it isn't a J. Torres?


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